First off a little bit of science and history...
Where does this marvelous substance come from?
The Spanish conquered the Aztecs in South America and discovered that coco beans were used as a form of currency. The Aztecs made cocoa beans into a hot bitter tasting drink.
When chocolate arrived in Spain it was sweetened with sugar and vanilla. This started the chocolate craze.
Solid chocolate was developed in England (one more thing we are fabulous for) and the Swiss refined it, inventing milk chocolate.
What's in it that makes it irresistible?
Chocolate contains a substance called phenylethlyamine (yeah I don't have a clue how to pronounce this) a substance that promotes a feeling of euphoria. Similar to how you feel when you're in love <3
Strange info about chocolate..
Strange info about chocolate..
- Chocolate has also long been associated with love.
- Once Nuns were forbidden to eat it because of it's sexual reputation! Imagine that?!
- Also in the 18th Century French doctors prescribed chocolate to women with a broken heart...:)
- Chocolate is poisonous to dogs because of the chemical Theobromine .
- Chocolate contains Flavonoids, a biological component from plants that can lower the risk of heart disease.
- People spend over £6billion pounds a year on chocolate - That is some serious addiction!
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