Yes it's chocolate fix time again!
So I went on a mission to find something a little more creative in the baking/cooking department.
I landed on this... Chocolate Roulade.
This recipe is traditionally from France, so you can really claim to be a super chef connoisseur. So let's get down to the nitty-gritty!
Basic ingredients
175g Broken Dark chocolate
6 separated eggs
175g caster sugar
sifted icing sugar (for the dusting)
oil for greasing
Ingredients for the filling
85g broken dark chocolate
300ml whipped double cream
any seasonal fruit-eg blueberries,raspberries (what ever is your favourite!)
You will also need:
Swiss roll baking tin, greaseproof paper,2 large mixing bowls, 2 medium glass bowls,medium saucepan,wooden spoon,chopping board,whisk,large metal spoon,damp tea-towel,fine strainer, knife for spreading filling (you can use whatever is easy)
Right so you've rummaged through the cupboards so let's get baking!
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees
2. Lightly grease swiss roll tin and line with greaseproof paper.
3. Melt the chocolate and leave to slightly cool.
4. Mix egg yolks and sugar in large bowl.
5.Whisk for 5 minutes.
6. Add melted chocolate to mix and stir in well.
7.In separate bowl mix egg whites until stiff.
8. Using large metal spoon fold into the chocolate mixture.
9. Turn chocolate mixture into tin.
10. Make sure spreads evenly and into every corner.
11. Bake for 20 minutes or until firm.
12. Leave to cool for 3 minutes.
13.Place clean damp tea-towel over cake with a board on top.
14. Turn over and remove the tin and greaseproof paper.
15. Roll up cake with damp tea-towel to keep moist.
16. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.
17. Now make the filling.
18. Melt chocolate and leave to cool slightly.
19.Quickly fold into the whipped cream.
20.Make sure the chocolate doesn't split and sets to form a mousse.
21. Unroll cooled cake.
22.Spread the chocolate mousse evenly over the cake. Leave a 2cm margin all round.
23.Sprinkle fruit or other filling over mousse.
24.Carefully roll cake up again.
25.Dust with icing sugar.
26. Serve and enjoy the fruits of your labour!!
To make a variation to this you could add nuts to the filling or maybe a drop of liqueur or brandy.
For all ingredients and prices visit your local supermarket website:
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